Foam Concrete Site Survey
Site surveys
Site surveys can be an important step to ensuring a foam concrete project runs smoothly. There are environmental factors that affect the placement of foam concrete, but would not be considered when placing a conventional concrete with large aggregate. Likewise, many things can be done with a foam concrete.
Foam concrete projects can be preceded by a site survey prior to the commencement of works. In some cases we will deem it necessary in order to assess site logistics or even undertake lengthy site inductions.
Some projects such as mass void infills, subterranean room networks.
This helps to establish a correct and safe method of working, correct mix classification and the highlighting and elimination of any potential logistics problems.
Volume, geotechnical and land surveys can also be undertaken to provide accurate total project costing information.
All surveys are undertaken in house, except where restrictions apply, i.e. confined areas, trackside, etc.
Our team of experienced engineers and technicians will be happy to talk through any requirements or concerns. This helps to establish a correct and safe method of working, correct mix classification and the highlighting and elimination of any potential logistics problems.
The area/volume to be filled will be assessed for access, any problem areas that may leak or prove difficult filling, as well as looking at the stages and process of filling will all be evaluated. Other factors consisted may be the possibility of multiple pour locations, vent locations for any concealed voids or undercuts such as roof ribs or lintels. Foam concrete is normally poured in consecutive layers of 1 metre, however depending on the process of filling it may prove beneficial to adjust this to assure a complete fill that allows the material to flow through gaps.
If required, the site visit will also cover any additional requirements that may be required to complete the job, this can be as simple as making sure water is provided onsite to having a suitable space or location for washout and excess material (if there aren’t already provisions). Any requirement for fixed pumping pipes, vents or gate valves will also be discussed at this time in order to achieve a complete fill.
Site surveys are also used to evaluate the access and egress from site for both the in-line foamed concrete pumping system as well as any base material requirements.
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Foamed concrete cube moulds
Large quantities of both 100mm and 150mm foamed concrete cube moulds are kept in stock, available to purchase on a next day delivery.
Please call the office for up to date prices on 01322 429 900 alternatively email