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Subways, Culverts, Bridges and other large volume infills
foamed concretes are often, and regularly specified as in infill material to fill concrete subways, spans under bridges, historic rail bridges, and various other permanent structures. these structures are typically sound, and are still safely carrying traffic above, therefore a generic void material is required, reaching an average of 1 – 2 n/mm2 foamed concrete is usually the quickest and most efective material to place, especially when filling up to the soffit.
Foamed oncrete first pour for R.G Cooper at wivenhoe leveling off the original infill
Propump foamed concrete site visit to initial pour
site image pre foamed concrete infill propump wakefield, Leeds
during lightweight infill foamed concrete infill propump
Manchester abandoned tunnels filled with foamed concrete
Foamed concrete void infilling of abandoned subways around the country from basildon to telford
CROSSRAIL London Underground Elizabeth line – various London sites
Various Applications of foam concrete varying from mass infill of shafts and addits, to temporary infill work for TBM pass through and even burial of tunnelling machines at end of life. Over the course of 5 years, Propump have placed over 36,000 cubic metres of foam concrete, on some projects material was placed in double shifts and exceeded 600 m3 per day. Propump filled temporary access tunnels, buried 2 boring machines, and filled an old station platform. Propump have also filled 4 individual shafts used to deliver and transport equipment.
Stepney Green – TBM launch Addits – Jan 2013
Temporary Mass Infill material. Propump provided 1,500m3 to fill “addits”. These short tunnels had already been excavated and lined, Foam concrete was then used an a filling material to fill these “addits back up”. the designed application of foam concrete was to provide the TBM with a medium that was easy to excavate but would not collapse around the face of the TBM cutter, this enabled it to gain traction as it began its journey.
Dean Street Western Ticket Hall – Tottenham Court Road “running tunnel” – July 2013
Temporary Mass Infill material. This foam concrete infill involved pouring some 3,500 cubic metres over a course of days placing over 300 m3 per shift. Once complete the TBM began to pass through the layers of foam concrete before the top layer was 24 hours old. The station had already been excavated. It was more time and cost effective to place foam concrete into the excavation than it was to have the tunnel boring machine breach on one side, and then have to be dismantled and re assembled and then begin to cut into the opposite side of the station excavation.
Dean Street Western Ticket Hall – Tottenham Court Road – “wraparound” May 2013 3,600m3
In late May and early June 2013, Propump placed over 3,600m3 of foam concrete to fill some of the adjacent linking tunnels. at over 9 metres in diameter and 40 metres long, Our P595 foam concrete with a 28 day strength of 2-3N was specified to mass fill several short linking tunnels around the network of stations. Some of these tunnels were created for plant storage, traffic management or simple ease of access. Now the sections were surplus to requirements and required to be permanently abandoned.
Dean Street tunnels linking east and west platforms for Tottenham Court Road station Elizabeth line
Dean Street tunnels linking east and west platforms for Tottenham Court Road station Elizabeth line
Dean Street tunnels linking east and west platforms for Tottenham Court Road station Elizabeth line
TCR bottle temporary shuttering for foam concrete infill works poured over layers of up to 600m3
TCR bottle temporary shuttering for foam concrete infill works poured over layers of up to 600m3
TCR bottle temporary shuttering for foam concrete infill works poured over layers of up to 600m3
Foam concrete filling the TCR station “bottle” for the new Elizabeth line. the foam concrete is used a temporary infill and as well as permanent redundancy where sections are only required during the construction phase
Foam concrete filling the TCR station “bottle” for the new Elizabeth line. the foam concrete is used a temporary infill and as well as permanent redundancy where sections are only required during the construction phase
Foam concrete filling the TCR station “bottle” for the new Elizabeth line. the foam concrete is used a temporary infill and as well as permanent redundancy where sections are only required during the construction phase
Foam concrete filling the TCR station “bottle” for the new Elizabeth line. the foam concrete is used a temporary infill and as well as permanent redundancy where sections are only required during the construction phase
Foam concrete filling the TCR station “bottle” for the new Elizabeth line. the foam concrete is used a temporary infill and as well as permanent redundancy where sections are only required during the construction phase
Foam concrete filling the TCR station “bottle” for the new Elizabeth line. the foam concrete is used a temporary infill and as well as permanent redundancy where sections are only required during the construction phase
Hannover Square Ticket halls – Bond Street Station – Shaft and access tunnels – June 2013 4,500m3
Hannover Square is the location for the new Bond street eastern ticket hall, once initial construction had finished, the bottom level and access tunnels needed to be filled, this “shaft” was the bottom level with several joining tunnels that had previously been filled. foam concrete is often specified for mass infill applications such as this because it is easy to get material down and into the void, it has a an expansion on site, reducing deliveries. and its major attribute is that it can be poured in 1 metre layers without compaction.
Crossrail Hanover square bond street station access shaft prior to infilling with foamed concrete. the “link” tunnels had already been filled and this bottom level was no longer required as part of the new ticket hall.
Crossrail Bond Street Station – Propump sit in the “pit lane” awaiting base materials to produce light weight foamed concrete used to fill the access tunnels and bottom level at the bond street station Hanover square site for Crossrail
Crossrail Bond St. Hanover sq. base material deliveries on site awaiting processing into foamed concrete
Propump Engineering place 2000m3 of P595 1200kg density foamed concrete into the base of Bond St. Station Eastern ticket hall shaft for Crossrail CSJV
Propump Engineering place 2000m3 of P595 1200kg density foamed concrete into the base of Bond St. Station Eastern ticket hall shaft for Crossrail CSJV
Propump Engineering place 2000m3 of P595 1200kg density foamed concrete into the base of Bond St. Station Eastern ticket hall shaft for Crossrail CSJV
Propump Engineering place 2000m3 of P595 1200kg density foamed concrete into the base of Bond St. Station Eastern ticket hall shaft for Crossrail CSJV
Propump Engineering place 2000m3 of P595 1200kg density foamed concrete into the base of Bond St. Station Eastern ticket hall shaft for Crossrail CSJV
Propump Engineering place 2000m3 of P595 1200kg density foamed concrete into the base of Bond St. Station Eastern ticket hall shaft for Crossrail CSJV
Propump Engineering place 2000m3 of P595 1200kg density foamed concrete into the base of Bond St. Station Eastern ticket hall shaft for Crossrail CSJV
Propump Engineering place 2000m3 of P595 1200kg density foamed concrete into the base of Bond St. Station Eastern ticket hall shaft for Crossrail CSJV
Propump engineering Foam concrete infill nearing completion for Crossrail Bond street east ticket hall at Hanover square. over 2000 m3 of a 1200kg/m3 material placed using 2 pumps over 6 days
Propump engineering Foam concrete infill nearing completion for Crossrail Bond street east ticket hall at Hanover square. over 2000 m3 of a 1200kg/m3 material placed using 2 pumps over 6 days
Propump engineering Foam concrete infill nearing completion for Crossrail Bond street east ticket hall at Hanover square. over 2000 m3 of a 1200kg/m3 material placed using 2 pumps over 6 days
Propump engineering Foam concrete infill nearing completion for Crossrail Bond street east ticket hall at Hanover square. over 2000 m3 of a 1200kg/m3 material placed using 2 pumps over 6 days
Propump engineering Foam concrete infill nearing completion for Crossrail Bond street east ticket hall at Hanover square. over 2000 m3 of a 1200kg/m3 material placed using 2 pumps over 6 days
Propump engineering Foam concrete infill nearing completion for Crossrail Bond street east ticket hall at Hanover square. over 2000 m3 of a 1200kg/m3 material placed using 2 pumps over 6 days
Propump engineering Foam concrete infill nearing completion for Crossrail Bond street east ticket hall at Hanover square. over 2000 m3 of a 1200kg/m3 material placed using 2 pumps over 6 days
Propump engineering Foam concrete infill nearing completion for Crossrail Bond street east ticket hall at Hanover square. over 2000 m3 of a 1200kg/m3 material placed using 2 pumps over 6 days
Crossrail bond St. station Hanover Sq. eastern ticket hall. shaft base infilled wil 2000m3 of foamed concrete with a density of 1200kg/m3 over 6 days
Crossrail bond St. station Hanover Sq. eastern ticket hall. shaft base infilled wil 2000m3 of foamed concrete with a density of 1200kg/m3 over 6 days
Crossrail bond St. station Hanover Sq. eastern ticket hall. shaft base infilled wil 2000m3 of foamed concrete with a density of 1200kg/m3 over 6 days
Fall Lane Bridge, East Ardsley, Wakefield.
Mass void foam concrete infill, 500kg/m3 density material used to strengthen a weak bridge by infilling between the spans, a secondary material 3N/mm2 foam concrete was placed for the last 500mm lift to the underside of the bridge deck. the light weight material was placed in 500mm layers from the floor up to the underside of the road deck, leaving only the one span open for the railway lines to continue.
Propump design and manufacture foamed concrete on site. We also design, manufacture and sell various pieces of equipment such as skid systems and dedicated project equipemnt. Our air operated foam generators are a minaturised version of our inline foam generation systems and are used by universities and contractors alike to replicate our materials in controlled labs. Finally our inline vehicle mounted systems are manufactured by us for our own bespoke use. Manufacturing foamed concrete as an end product allows us to evaluate the equipment used to manufacture materials better than many other manufacturers due to our first hand experience using such equipment.