Newhurst Quarry Case study, Shepshed, Loughborough
Case Studies
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Newhurst Quarry Loughborough
Newhurst Quarry Case study, Shepshed, Loughborough
Typical Strength Requirement: | 1N/mm2 –1.5 N/mm2 |
Density Requirement: | 500kg/m3 |
Volume Requirement | 4600m³ |
Scope of Works:
Propump provided an Ultra-light weight pumpable material, this material had been designed to be placed around a new “energy recovery” plant, the mass void filling material ended up 4 metres deep, 5 metres wide, it was laid in a “trench” around the perimeter of the whole building. Split into two main phases, Propump processed and pumped around 300 m³ per day. Pumping a length of 120 metres through flexible and steel hoses.
Foam Concrete of a density no higher than 500kg/m³ had been specified to fill a large 5 metre wide by 5 metre deep trench around the new structure. Foamed concretes of this Density have very good thermal insulation properties. Similarly, this material has a much lower density than other foamed concretes and a significantly lower density than other hard aggregates or infill materials. This meant that a single 6 cubic metre delivery of ready mix material produced 25 cubic metres of foamed concrete, allowing an excess of 300 cubic metres to be placed in one continuous hit with no further material working or labour.
These two images show the comparison of heights from the start of works to the last pour, illustrating the 4 metres of lift and the draft angle of the excavated face.
Foamed concrete at base level before infilling for newhurst quarry, shepshed, loughborough 500kg/m3 density Foamed concrete at final level for newhurst quarry, shepshed, loughborough
Foamed Concrete ground stabilisation and infill
Material requirements:
- Pumpable:
- From plant location, discharge point was upto 120 linear metres away
- Fluid:
- material needed to flow upwards of 40 metres, reducing the number of placement locations.
- Self compacting:
- it was unsafe to have workers in the area (active lifting area)
- Self levelling:
- The foamed concrete will flow and level to a degree over long distances
- Light weight:
- The specification called for a 500kg/m³ material
- Thermally isolating
- Provides a thermal break between structures
Panoramic Foamed concrete at Newhurst quarry, shepshed, loughborough
Newhurst Quarry Loughborough
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