Precasting concrete
An increasing use of lightweight foamed concretes is in the production of blocks and pre-cast panels.
The ability of the material to made lightweight with excellent sound and thermal properties whilst at the same time easy and economic to produce, is attracting many organisations to investigate ands implement the use of foamed concrete in this market.
Architectural mouldings and items can also be produced with foamed concrete giving the pleasing appearance of traditional columns and cornices but at a fraction of the weight and cost.
Densities of the blocks are usually 500-800Kg/m3 dependent on application. Architectural mouldings tend to be produced using denser (900-1200kg/m3) foamed concretes.


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Foamed concrete cube moulds
Large quantities of both 100mm and 150mm foamed concrete cube moulds are kept in stock, available to purchase on a next day delivery.
Please call the office for up to date prices on 01322 429 900 alternatively email